StarStrand - Super Star 24
Super Star 24

Brighter than StarStrand Basic Star with 71 lumens per foot, and the added benefit of it being covered in a pliable clear plastic, StarStrand Super Star 24, a low voltage 24 volt system, excels in performance and durability. The plastic cover keeps dust and dirt from landing directly on the board and makes keeping it clean easy. StarStrand Super Star 24 is available in pre-manufactured lengths of 6 inches, 12 inches, 60 inches, 120 inches, and 240 inches with 6 pin connectors installed at each end for fast and sure installation. The maximum run is 150 feet. The black PC board is backed with 3M adhesive tape for easy installation. Optional dimming includes dimming from a wall or using a remote control.

Applications for StarStrand Super Star 24 include cove and toe kick accent lighting, outdoor covered porches and patios, under cabinet lighting, step lighting, restaurant and lounges, and boats and recreation vehicles.